now installed

Training session Mon 19 Aug, see below

Forthcoming Hall Events

New kitchen

The walls have now been re-pannelled, new ceiling and all painted. The new kitchen units are being installed and the completely refurbished kitchen finished by the end of July.

Pop-up Café Friday 2nd August 10:30am - 1:00pm

Similar to previous Mornings in Kingoldrum.

Take a trip out to Kingoldrum, enjoy a coffee/tea and scone in the village hall on arrival, spend the morning exploring the local area or relaxing in the village hall garden by the burn or play games indoors (dominoes, scrabble, etc.). Enjoy soup and a roll, followed by a selection of cakes for lunch. All for a donation of £10 [Early stop for scones and tea/coffee only £5, lunch only £8] All proceeds to help run the Hall.

Gaelic classes Mondays 3-5pm

These classes are continuing. If you are interested in joining the classes please contact us on

Defibrillator training Monday 19th August 10:30am

The defibrillator was installed in April sited on lefthand side of porch. We will now be running a training session on Monday 19th August, stating at 10:30 and taking 1.5 to 2 hours. The session is free and is available to between 6 and 12/15 people. If interested please contact us to reserve your place at

New kitchen launch - date to be confirmed

A big party to launch our new kitchen and to celebrate the completion of the first phase of the hall improvements.

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picture of hall entrance